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Today's Word - Joshua 22:24


ЁЯУЦ Today's Word - Joshua 22:24 ЁЯУЦ

And if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing, saying, In time to come your children might speak unto our children, saying, What have ye to do with the LORD God of Israel?

роиாро│ைроХ்роХு роЙроЩ்роХро│் рокிро│்ро│ைроХро│் роОроЩ்роХро│் рокிро│்ро│ைроХро│ை роиோроХ்роХி: роЗро╕்ро░ро╡ேро▓ிрой் родேро╡ройாроХிроп роХро░்род்родро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХுроо் роОрой்рой?

р░Пр░ор░ир░Чా р░░ాр░мోр░╡ుр░Хాр░▓р░оుр░и р░оీ р░╕ంр░дాр░ир░кు р░╡ాр░░ు р░оా р░╕ంр░дాр░ир░кుр░╡ాр░░ిр░дోр░Зр░╢్р░░ాр░пేр░▓ీр░пుр░▓ р░жేр░╡ుр░бైр░и р░пెр░╣ోр░╡ాр░дో р░оీр░Хేр░оి р░╕ంр░мంр░зр░оు?


Dear Lord Jesus, this is exactly where we are today, with our children. Give us your wisdom, so that we bring them up rooted in your word and raise up the next generation for you. In Jesus adorable name we pray. Amen.


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